— 5 March 2015 Comments Off on Payroll 379The professionals of the Studio Tributario Associato provide assistance for correctly preparing the payslips for the Italian and foreign personnel. The payroll activity includes a continuous monitoring of the payroll process, ex-post analysis of the Libro Unico del Lavoro (Unified Employment Ledger), assistance on the adjustment operations at the end of the year or upon employment termination, and the preparation and review of the Annual Statement of Income. The areas of activity can be summarized as follows:
- mandatory communications
- implementation of payslips
- employer’s monthly obligations
- implementation of the tax neutrality policies in payslips;
- management of severance payment and equivalent indemnities
- calculation of the net wage based on a guaranteed gross wage
- calculation of the gross wage based on a guaranteed net wage
- sickness
- maternity
- accidents
- time sheets
- management of project-based collaborations
- annual statement of income
- communication of updates concerning national collective bargaining agreements
- due diligence and process optimization
The payroll consultancy activities include:
- social security regularizations at the national and international level
- tax and social security assistance to autonomous workers, agents, sales representatives and for workers in the Entertainment business
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non compete payment